Publish your website

The Debug mode should be disabled on every active website, otherwise Google won't index and no caching would be used. Switching between modes can be done in the parameters, which are stored in a yaml-file that is located in /app/config/.

If you want to publish the website on a different server then during the installation, make sure the database properties are configured correctly. These can be changed in the same parameters file as the debug mode. Also, make sure the webserver is configured correctly including the required php configuration (Extensions, functions and settings). At last check if following directories has writable rights.

  • /src/Backend/Cache/*
  • /src/Backend/Modules/
  • /src/Frontend/Cache/*
  • /src/Frontend/Files/*
  • /src/Frontend/Modules/
  • /src/Frontend/Themes/

It is recommended to delete - or not to upload - the install- and tools folder.